FMM Associates
About us
To welcome, to witness, to announce the universal and unconditional love of God is the vocation and the mission of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. On this path, outlined by Mary of the Passion, the FMM Canadian province began a project of lay associates of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in 1992 as part of a highly encouraged movement by the Canadian Church. Coming from different backgrounds in Eastern and Western Canada, our members live a sense of belonging that unites them to the FMM family.
How we live
We live our baptismal promises through a faith journey committed to the Church’s mission through Eucharistic and Marian prayer, different forms of sharing, and attendance to regular meetings.
What’s New

Goodbye to Our Sisters in Quebec City From the Associates of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré
April 4 2019 visit
It was a delightful surprise to welcome the associates of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré with their pastor to bid us farewell. After warm greetings in the living room, each one expressed her gratitude for the journey they lived with us. Even Fr. Jacques Fortin C.Ss.R. added his gratefulness to the FMM with whom he has fond childhood memories. The sisters also shared what they were living in their present situation as they get ready to leave Quebec City.
The very prayerful thanksgiving mass permitted the participants to express their thanks for these 25 years of commitment as associates. It is with heavy hearts filled with emotions and joy that we gathered around a festive and abundant table thanks to the generosity of the associates. We ended our gathering in thanksgiving.
Mariette Gagnon, fmm

The Associates of Our Lady of the Rosary Group in Madoc, Ontario
Visit of October 9, 2018
As soon as we arrived in Madoc, Ontario, in 1997, a group of women and men wished to be associated with us in order to live the Charism of our Institute in their milieu. In 2008, we were obliged to close the fraternity, but the Spirit of our foundress, Mary of the Passion, remains always alive because these laypersons continue our mission. Looking at these persons can inspire many lives, because above all, what animates them is a call to live the values of the Kingdom of God like the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. As adorers, we fully give their lives to God. It is the DNA of our vocation. How do these Associates live these values?
The answer to this question leads me to speak about their experience that they shared during our last visit on October 9, 2018. Franciscans, they try to live in the spirit of humility of Saint Francis, thinking that in their relations with the persons they meet, they need to remember that they are ‘minors’. They are called to have much respect towards others. Mary has a special place in their lives. They pray to her in the privacy of their homes, and in church. They erected a sanctuary in her honour. Adorers, they are the first to ensure adoration when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the parish. They bring communion to the sick and make sure the altar cloths are clean. They try to live lives « fully given » to their vocation in the world. Fathers and mothers of families or unmarried, they take their responsibilities seriously.
Missionaries, this year they chose as their project to help 80 poor children in Paraguay providing them food and school materials. Using visual aids, they made the project known in three neighboring parishes. It did not take long for the generosity of the parishioners to flow. They collected and sent $2,000.00 to our Mission Centre in Montreal. Our sisters there will send this entire sum directly to the project in Paraguay. Blessed participation of the laity, called by the Lord to live in their milieu the charisms of women and men who have influenced the history of religious life. Each day God renews his people.
Claire Hamelin, fmm

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